Price rise of Colored Diamond

The Fancy Color Research Foundation (FCRF) announced the Q2 2022 Fancy Color Diamond Index (FCDI) results in August 2022. Due to the increasing demand and tightened supply in fancy colored diamond, the prices across all colors and sizes had continually increased in this quarter, average increased 0.8%. Comparing with other global major indices, e.g. Dow Jones -11.3%, S&P -16.4%, gold -6.7% and white diamond -4.0%, the upward trend for fancy colored diamond is apparent.

Across all color in fancy color diamond, the Fancy Vivid category increased 1%, with a 2.6% increase over the past 12 months. The Fancy and Fancy Intense categories increased 0.7% and 0.8% respectively, over the past 12 months an increase of 3.5% and 3.2% recorded. 8-ct fancy yellow, 5-ct fancy pink and 10-ct fancy blue were the best performers in each color category.

“It is evident that the increase in prices is driven by two market forces that haven’t occurred simultaneously in quite some time: That is, high demand for fancy-color diamonds on the retail side, and fierce competition on rough in tenders.” FCRF board member Ishaia Gol explained in a statement.

Fancy Color Diamond Index (FCDI) is an objective tool that tracks wholesale price changes in the yellow, pink and blue colored diamond markets, from integrating exclusive data and information from different international leaders of the fancy colored diamond industry, from Hong Kong, New York, Geneva and Tel Aviv.